My latest custom, it's a resin Birdlett toy designed by the awesome okkle www.okkle.co.uk
The lesser spotted Birdlett is a quite common British bird, Mainly seen hanging around birdhouses in the late summer evenings sexually harassing lady lesser spotted birdletts.
His diet consists mainly of worms and bill oddie branded bird food.
Okkle original resin birdlett sculpt x James yeah?
to your site via twitter and I'm glad I did. Great little birdie from a great concept. I love your work and will follow with interest.
BTW, Have you tried Fuse Wax from Willow products in the US ever?
Hey thanks very much! I came across your site looking for sculpting tips.
You're work is crazy good.
No i've not tried fuse wax, is it similar to sculpey or something mate?
Thanks for you kind works James.
Fuse is weird. Room temp it's like iron. SO hard you can make armatures out of it! SOund weird right!. But, when you heat it up (I use a little hear gun in a tinfoil box) it acts like soft sculpey. It is very weird to work with but I low it. I'm working with real clay right now and I'm not that keen but it's been a reall experimental stage for me. I'll be glad to get back to sculpey and chavant later in the year. Whats do you use most often? Sculpey and Fimo?
I posted a video over at my blog that shows the basic properties.
AH i shall check out the video cheers, it sounds a very interesting compound.
I only use sculpey and milliput, sculpey for most the big base shapes then milliput over the top for a harder easier smoother finish, but i'm trying to move to purely sculpey but i find it a bit brittle sometimes and get smooth finishes on it is a lot harder than with milliput, well to me at least.x
This is an awesome piece of work!
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